The Coffee Connoisseur's Challenge

PACT Coffee offers their customers a world class speciality coffee delivered to their front door. They use ethically sourced coffee and allow customers to tailor subscriptions suited towards them. 

Following success working on the Welcome strategy PACT were keen to work with Paperplanes on other marketing automation journeys. Resurrection of non-subscribes as well as follow ups for those dropping out the store and subscription processes were identified as potential opportunities.

Data-driven targeting

Paperplanes worked closely with the CRM and Growth teams in PACT to understand where we could add the most value. We decided to introduce variable product recommendations based on what customers had browsed. We segmented creatives further to highlight whether a customer browsed machinery vs coffee and introduced other A/B tests to refine and optimise our approach based on the information captured across the site via our tech integration.  

Brewing up success

Encouraging results with impressive growth opportunities across all new campaign strategies launched, a firm foundation to improve even further.

Abandoned Basket Subs bring 40% more customers back to PACT than the non mail control cohorts viewing 10% more pages than comparative non-mail controls 4% of recently paused subscription based successfully reactivated, meaning we were successful creating incremental subscriptions as well as recovering lapsed subscriptions.