Outsource your direct mail marketing

Why use Automated Direct Mail in the first place? Automated direct mail is a powerful tool for businesses looking to reach their target audience in a highly targeted and efficient way. This technology allows businesses to use data and algorithms to automatically select and send direct mail pieces to specific individuals based on their demographics, […]

Setting and hitting your personal and Business & Marketing goals

Setting and hitting your personal and business goals Personal Development & Business Development As we start a New Year setting personal and business objectives are always top of mind. Overlap Sometimes personal and business development can overlap and personal development can strongly aid in the goal of business development. Picking up a new skill such […]

PDM and optimising Customer Experience

a/b testing

Why and what makes a customer experience optimal? Customer experience is everything. All engagements, touchpoints and journeys the prospect takes from the first moment they interact with your brand to the moment they are a paying customer using your product or service need to be seamless, enjoyable and hassle-free. Having a negative experience may not […]

Why is Personalisation so crucial for Christmas Marketing?

How are personalised Christmas letters and cards significant? Writing Christmas letters is a yearly tradition for many people across the world and specifically in the UK. 900 Million Christmas cards are sent yearly with each household sending an average of 16 Christmas cards. In 2022 despite e-mail, text and social media becoming the most common […]

How has GDPR affected Marketing & Data collection?

GDPR in Automated Direct Mail Mythbuster The GDPR  The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) was a set of legislation passed by the EU affecting the EU economic zone. The GDPR standardised data protection laws in order to help consumers hold power over their personal data in the fast-evolving digital economy we are living in. The […]

Adapting your marketing with Direct Mail for 2023

How is marketing going to be affected heading into 2023?  Every year is a new opportunity to redevelop and re-think your marketing strategy. 2023 looks to be an interesting year where marketing will have to adapt to the global environment. The economic recession is predicted to last until the second two-quarters of 2023, energy and […]

Conscious Marketing (The Importance of honesty and transparency)

Conscious Marketing

Conscious Marketing – Value in shared customer goals & ease of opting out With increasing competition within the digital marketing space, marketing has run through various transitions over the years, each affecting your business differently. Not all of it is great. Paying for fake followers or engaging with bots can bring you some business in […]

Sustainability in Modern Marketing

How suitable is Digital & Direct Mail advertising for today’s savvy marketers? Digital Marketing has evolved rapidly over the past years, so much so that oversaturation of social media channels has created an inefficient marketing investment for most businesses. Surprisingly in the UK, only 60% of businesses use paid social media advertising in 2022 (Office […]

Influencer Marketing and Programmatic Direct Mail

Influencer Marketing  Modern Day marketing has been transformed by the rise of social media platforms such as Instagram,Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and TikTok. Many individuals are now growing their own fan bases and becoming their own brands, in many ways, creating microeconomics that is largely scalable. Established influencers can provide an impressive $6.50 per every dollar […]

Psychology behind “Free”

What is the power of Free Offers? Free sample, Free trial, Free first month subscription, buy 1 get 1 free, free for the first 100 to sign up  – how many of these ‘free’ offers do you see on a daily basis? Quite a few right? ‘which clearly demonstrates the adoption of freemium marketing and […]