Paperplanes working with OVO Energy to generate a £15 return on every £1 invested from customers interested in energy services

The Context

OVO is one of the fastest-growing energy providers in the UK. They are one of the UK’s largest independent suppliers offering customers competitive rates on energy tariffs.

Typically, when a customer comes onto the OVO site to obtain a free quote if they do not go through to complete the process they receive a follow-up email. Although the retargeted email led to a good return it had become difficult to further improve the performance of this channel so OVO was looking for something to supplement.

The Action

OVO partnered with Paperplanes to identify online browsers expressing interest in switching to their competitively priced energy services and target those prospects that didn’t convert with highly personalised programmatic direct mail.

Customers were retargeted and encouraged to come back to complete their energy switch with the specific quote details they abandoned. Paperplanes integrated with the email retargeting strategy offering the same level of personalisation on direct physical mail. Content provided further detail around the customers uniquely tailored instant online quote.

The Results

The campaign led to strong to incremental uplift and extremely favourable ROI.

  • 5.5% overall conversion rate representing a 25% incremental uplift on conversion vs closet lookalike customers and strong performance vs digital retargeting channels
  • £15 ROI for every £1 invested
  • The campaign continued to generate strong conversions well past the standard period uplift normally occurs, thus extending the typical sales cycle of a 7-day quote. Incremental uplift is still noted up to 30 days after the campaign ends.

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