Direct mail marketing’s use and relevance in 2022

Besides pricing and regulatory changes, the popularity and effectiveness of various digital channels and social media come and go. The way we communicate also evolves over time…

But all the aforementioned remains the same for Direct Mail, in fact, it has become more popular and more effective than ever in recent years. 

There are many reasons for this. Because direct mail doesn’t get lost in the sea of digital content and spam, the channel has stood the test of time. Due in great part to contemporary direct mail tactics like personalisation and hyper-targeting, up to 92% of direct mail is opened compared to only 15% of emails. Paperplanes Programmatic Direct Mail customers have reported up to 72% response rates on mailings with just 5000 personalised & programmatically sends which are regularly optimised through AB testing.

Long gone are the days when your options were restricted to sending standard or voluminous ‘spam’ campaigns, which for the most part are partially addressed. Paperplanes programmatic direct mail follows customers through the entire journey and experience through the pipeline, from tracking website navigation & intentions to sending clients a personalised and fully addressed letter with content tailored around that very thing they wanted to buy, and at the most convenient time! 

Moreover, this blog dives into how data and technology enable the exceptional ROI that modern direct mail offers.

Highly targeted, Highly personalised

Modern-day marketing is fueled by data, the more data and the more granular the detail on prospects and clients, the better the retargeting the personalised proposition and ultimately the better conversion.

Digital channels just can’t compete with modern direct mail marketing methods that use your client data to hyper-target and customise every engagement. Social search displays, banners, and emails just don’t have the same effect or experience. 

Paperplanes programmatic direct mail platform allows campaigns to have a clear CPA and attribution segmented based on certain factors like

Geography: physical location, such as a county, town, postcode, or subdivision.

Demographics: include gender, age, race, income, occupation, level of education, and type of housing.

Behaviour: Purchasing tendencies, routines, and preferences. Interests, way of life, hobbies, and values make up psychographics.

And these are just a few examples of how you may use personalisation to your advantage:

  • Build brand loyalty by extending a warm welcome to new consumers and celebrating long-term clients’ achievements.
  • Reinforce email promotions: To stay at the front of customers’ minds, combine a customised direct mail piece with a digital marketing campaign.
  • Retargeting and re-engaging customers involves attracting their attention and re-engaging those who have stopped opening your emails or haven’t bought anything from you in a while.
  • Reach out to customers in a meaningful way by recognising their birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, and more with special offers that are tailored to their demographics.
  • Cross-sell, upsell, or remind customers to renew a service or product using personalised special offers.
  • Localise your marketing: Quickly seize opportunities by modifying your messaging to reflect local behavioural changes or regional events.

But what’s the value of personalising direct mail marketing campaigns?

There are very few people in your CRM who have the name “Current Resident.” People discard mail that is not personalised because they are aware that the message inside might be generic promotional spam or unwanted irrelevant clutter n.

It’s crucial to use cutting-edge customisation technology in every campaign because response rates for personalised mail pieces are at least 400% greater than those for non-personalised mail pieces. Think about that for a second. You can effectively make your marketing at least 4 times more effective by utilising data to personalise.

You should make it a goal to customise each printed item through an automated platform like Paperplanes, utilising variable data printing and sophisticated data processing. In other words, you can tailor each and every mailpiece in a single, high-speed print run to meet the particular requirements, needs, and interests of the individual if you’re conducting a direct mail campaign to virtually as many clients as you wish!

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