Biscuiteers Partnership Highlights the Importance of A/B Testing with Automated Direct Mail


 The UK’s original hand-iced biscuit company, Biscuiteers, sought to increase customer engagement and boost conversions with a creative marketing approach. Together with Paperplanes, they started an automated direct mail pilot programme. The main objective was to send out personalised, tangible media to customers who had already made a purchase but hadn’t visited the website within a predetermined window of time. The company also aimed to create a post first shop campaign to reduce the time taken to convert a second purchase.

In addition to the targeted approach, Biscuiteers and Paperplanes understood the value of using the full real estate available in the creative of the A4 mailer format to maximise content and personalisation. This strategy was shaped by the results of the pilot project. Biscuiteers sought to further improve cut through by highlighting unique benefits and featured products on the back of the mailer.  . The knowledge gathered from the preliminary experiments made it possible to place content much more precisely, ensuring that every automated direct mail piece had a personalised touch that connected with the recipient. This creative use of the A4 mailer format was intended to increase average order value and drive additional conversions, in addition to reigniting interest in lapsed customers.


In the analytical period, Biscuiteers and Paperplanes triggered thousands of relevant personalised DM comms to consumers in a highly targeted and data driven manner. The campaign targeted customers who had previously purchased but hadn’t returned, as well as those who recently made their first purchase. Key metrics were tracked to measure the effectiveness of the programmatic direct mail approach.

10% of participants in the initial test went back to the website and a 7% conversion rate was achieved with the ideal time to convert being determined to be 18 days. The rate of repeat purchases were significantly higher at 19%, indicating the DM creates a long lasting impact than just the initial response. 

In the second test, engagement of the audience was marginally better with 10.2% of recipients visiting the website. Compared to the first test, the conversion rate slightly dropped to 6.5% but there was also a reduction in the conversion window to 15 days. The rate of repeat purchases stayed stable at 19%, indicating that customers remained loyal. There was also a minor increase in the average basket value. These findings offer insightful information that can be used to improve future tactics aimed at raising conversion rates and customer retention.


For Biscuiteers, the programmatic direct mail campaign produced encouraging outcomes:

  • Both tests showed that a sizable portion of users went back to the website straight after receiving customised mail.
  • The rate of repeat purchases stayed steady at 19%, demonstrating how well the targeted approach fostered customer loyalty.
  • The best moment to convert was monitored, offering insightful information about when to make follow-up purchases.
  • The average basket values were encouraging for both tests, with small variations.
  • The 6.5% and 7% conversion rates demonstrated a favourable influence on total conversions.

For Biscuiteers, a clever use of the back of the A4 letter format changed everything:

  • Improved Personalisation: The extra room at the back allowed for more thorough and customised content, which improved the relationship with customers.
  • Enhanced Conversions: Based on the information gathered from the first tests, content placement was optimised, leading to a notable 1.5% rise in conversion rates between the first and second tests.
  • Increased Average Basket Spend: In the second test, the average basket value increased, thanks in part to the personalised and interesting content on the mailer’s reverse. This demonstrated how well-planned use of the available space could lead to higher transaction values.

In addition to showcasing the transformative potential of programmatic direct mail, this strategic approach also highlighted the additional conversion and basket spend opportunities that could be attained by carefully placing content on the A4 mailer format. The findings highlight how crucial it is to make the most of all available space to establish a more impactful and individualised channel of communication with your clients.

As a result of the pilot’s success, the decision was made by Biscuiteers to further improve the customer experience, as a result of the pilot project’s success. They wanted to highlight special product benefits on the back of the mailer so that every automated direct mail piece had a truly personalised touch that appealed to the recipients. This innovative use of the A4 format aimed to revive interest from lapsed customers, in addition to increasing average conversions and generating extra sales. Programmatic direct mail’s transformative potential was demonstrated, with a focus on content placement on A4 mailers to increase conversion and basket spend.


“The collaboration with Paperplanes for programmatic direct mail has been invaluable to help refine our marketing strategy at Biscuiteers. The personalised approach not only brought customers back to our website but also contributed to a significant increase in conversions. We look forward to further exploring the potential of programmatic direct mail in enhancing customer engagement and driving business success.”

– CRM, Biscuiteers