How valuable is customer retention?

generative ai

How valuable is customer retention in a business? Marketing often focuses heavily on the acquisition of new customers. This isn’t inherently an issue, however, the question arises as to whether that is the best use of marketing budgets. Depending on the service or product offered consumers could have really high lifetime values, especially in regard […]

Direct Mail Marketing and Black Friday

Make the most of Black Friday with PDM Introduction Black Friday is a time of year that all marketers prepare for and anticipate with great hopes of making interesting content. The goal of this event is to boost sales and attract new customers who will hopefully go on to become long-term buyers of the products/services.  […]

How to avoid becoming Junk Mail and Spam

Avoid the perception of irrelevance through your Marketing E-mail and direct mail marketing has been a common staple of most businesses marketing plans in the 21st century, utilising either as a form of relatively cheap promotion in hopes to increase brand awareness and sales. Unfortunately with the rapid growth of these channels in recent years, […]

Programmatic Direct Mail improving customer acquisition

Should Programmatic Direct Mail be part of your customer acquisition strategy? New customer acquisition has never been more difficult. While battling rising costs and digital competition, marketers need to come up with novel ways and new channels to differentiate themselves from rivals and reach customers effectively.  Generational behaviours also have a large impact on the […]

Programmatic mail as part of Successful marketing Strategy

Consider Programmatic Direct Mail In Your Marketing Strategy  Strategies are used to create a distinct advantage over competitors in a business environment. A marketing strategy isn’t much different as it has the same goal of creating this competitive advantage, It’s about creating a long-term plan that will help the firm achieve its goals. In regards […]

Customer lifecycle journey through Programmatic Direct Mail

Successfully integrating direct mail marketing in the customer lifecycle When the first companies to sell products online were still attempting to make “eCommerce” work, inboxes would be flooded with amazing discounts and offers depending on the user’s browsing history. All over the internet, advertisements would appear to remind ‘web surfers’ that amazing offers are available […]

Is direct Mail Marketing still relevant?

Direct mail marketing’s use and relevance in 2022 Besides pricing and regulatory changes, the popularity and effectiveness of various digital channels and social media come and go. The way we communicate also evolves over time… But all the aforementioned remains the same for Direct Mail, in fact, it has become more popular and more effective […]

Crucial Metrics for Direct Mail Marketing

Important direct mail marketing Metrics When marketing with physical collateral such as mail, where CTR, views and likes are not easily measured, how can we determine the success of a campaign? This blog covers our preferred metrics to keep an eye out for, from the Paperplanes Programmatic Mail experts.  Response Rates According to JicMail databases, […]

8 Reasons direct mail is effective marketing channel

direct mail is effective

8 Reasons direct mail is effective marketing channel (And how Programmatic goes beyond) The business world has evolved into a digitally-led communications ecosystem, where most marketing, regardless of a B2B or B2C target, is mostly conducted online. Direct, indirect or re-targeted,  full interactions from initial discovery to feedback are processed through computers and phones. Though […]

Key Role Physical Touch has In Modern Marketing

Key Role Physical Touch Plays In Direct Mail Marketing Modern Marketing: Social media, digital communication, and mobile internet capability have made digital marketing unavoidable for targeted users and ensured that we are always connected to it. As a result, it’s crucial to promote your company or product online. It is also a good moment to consider […]

Personalised Direct Mail